JustUs® Programs for Government
As a public employer, municipalities and government agencies have unique obligations to the citizens of their community. Under the critical eye of taxpayers and other stakeholders, public employers have a special need to be transparent and accountable. The JustUs® Program is a full-service compliance and employee relations solution.
Users contact JustUs® via a toll-free telephone number or secure website specific to their organization. Our governmental clients control the breadth of JustUs® in their environment, choosing to allow the program to be accessible only by employees; or on a larger scale to the community at large. Regardless of the scope, the JustUs® commitment remains the same, to ensure fair and consistent application of the client’s policies and procedures, code of conduct and administrative processes.
Ethics Initiatives
JustUs® can be implemented as part of an entire Ethics Initiative that supports compliance efforts and meets today’s ethical, fraud prevention, whistleblowing and compliance standards.
The Ethics Initiative includes the development of a code of ethics and training programs, which can feature diversity, fraud prevention, sexual harassment prevention, whistleblowing and workplace violence prevention.
Government Sample Issue Resolution
The following is a hypothetical designed to demonstrate the JustUs® process; any reference to real life names and events is purely coincidental.
"Jill" has been with the city for two years and there had been no problems in the beginning. She had good performance reviews and earned every merit pay increase available in her position. She began experiencing problems after she brought her spouse to the company picnic. Jill is white, while her spouse is black. Since that time, she has been reprimanded for insignificant issues and for things she claims are the fault of other workers. Now, she has been denied a merit pay increase because of these incidents.
An investigation revealed this supervisor was in fact treating her different from other employees and holding her to more strict requirements. JustUs® recommended Jill be given the merit pay increase and the supervisor be sent to diversity training.
In this instance, failing to properly or adequately address the problem may have left the involved employee feeling unhappy and unproductive. Without clear answers, she may have considered taking some action that could have exposed the city to the risk of bad publicity or litigation, whether merited or not. By having JustUs® the issues were able to be addressed in a timely, cost-effective manner that ultimately improved the organization’s bottom line.